lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

50th and 49th Anniversaries of Cuban Youth Organizations

A great children party will be celebrated at the Cuba Pavilion ‘cause of the 50th anniversary of the José Martí Pioneer Organization and the 49th anniversary of the Young Communist League of Cuba.

The Cuba Pavilion will open to the public from April 1 to 3 and from 9 to10 with a wide variety of activities to celebrate the birthdays of the two important youth organizations.

The celebrations were announced during a press conference in Havana. It was said that among the activities to be held are art exhibitions, animated film screenings, play areas, workshops, concerts, and book readings; and several sales of books, arts and crafts, music...

Cuba's José Martí Pioneer Organization was

established in 1961 for primary and secondary students, up until ninth grade. The initiation takes place with a traditional act of giving a neckerchief, blue or red depending on the student's level; from that moment it forms a part of the scholastic uniform. In high school the neckerchief is replaced by a badge consisting of the bars with colors of the national flag and to the right, Che's signature.

In 2001 the Cuban Pioneers Association was elected to the Global 500 Roll of Honor of the United Nations Environment Programmed for its environmental activities.

Special guest artists on the first day of celebrations are Juan Padrón, Cecilio Avilés and Lidis Lamorú. On April 2 the guests are: Jorge Oliver and Rosa Campo, with music by the Vanvancitos, from the Guillermo Tomás Conservatory.

The closing gala on April 10 will feature a special presentation by La Colmentia, the famous children theater company.

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