Sexo, amor y Erotismo, palabras que provocan (Sex, love and eroticism, provocative words) is a book designed for teenagers and young adults, but that can also be useful to parents and teachers, said its author, the Cuban journalist Aloyma Ravelo.
"Adolescence is a complex stage, well known throughout the world, for the teens, the family, and the experts on the subject, as it is a time of life filled with new experiences, when the body and the psyche suffer too many changes, and we have so much to learn," said Ravelo.
The need for proximity of the opposite or the same sex is settled, and sometimes they do not know how to negotiate, what to do with the sudden discovery of love and eroticism, and how to turn them into something rewarding.
"I wrote this book to help with suggestions, ideas, clarification of these issues, in which many letters also appear and may serve to illustrate things," Ravelo said. The book, published by the women-oriented publishing house, will be launched at the 21st International Book Fair of Havana, to be held from February 9 to 19.
Aloyma Ravelo works in various print and digital publications, is a writer of radio and television programs and has written other popular books such as "Enigmas de la Sexualidad Femenina" (Enigmas of Female Sexuality), in two editions (2008 and 2010), "40 Preguntas sobre Sexo" (40 Questions about Sex), (2009), "Como Educar a los Hijos sin Equivocarse Tanto" (How to Educate Children without Making Too Much Mistakes) (2010), among others.
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