Cuban film Habanastation, directed by Ian Padron, was chosen to represent this country for a 2012 Oscar nomination in the category of Best Foreign Language Film.
An awards committee of the Cuban Film Institute, composed of filmmakers Fernando Perez (Suite Havana) and Manuel Perez (Pages from Mauricio's diary) and the editor Manuel Iglesias (El Benny), was responsible for the selection, according to provisions in the rules of the Academy of the Oscar Award.

The five official candidates in this section will be announced on January 24, 2012 in Los Angeles.

Inspired by five testimonies of the book Confessions to a physician, by Jorge Perez, the film addresses the story of five young people in extreme situations, whose fates are intertwined in the same story.

Tickets to Paradise was has been awarded the silver Biznaga, Latin House Award Film Festival in Malaga, Spain, and Havana Star for best film at the Havana Film Festival New York, United States, both in April 2011 .